First Class - Season 1938

Results (not including County Championship matches)

25 MayAustraliansSouthamptonMatch Drawn
Toss unknown
Hants 157 (Steele 24, O'Reilly 6-65)
Aus 320-1 (Bradman 145no, Fingleton 123no, Boyes 1-39)
22 JunCambridge UnivSouthamptonWon by 9 wkts
Toss unknown
CamUniv 330 (Hewan 88, Court 4-83)
Hants 333 (Moore 128, Kaye 4-52)
CamUniv 95 (Carris 27, Creese 4-14)
Hants 93-1 (Hill 46no, Rees-Davies 1-24)
Totals (including County Championship)
Runs scored 12795 for 555 wkts at an average of 23.05 per wkt.
Runs against 13611 for 480 wkts at an average of 28.35 per wkt.
Played 34, Won 10, Drawn 8, Lost 16


3 R Aird361002943 8.60         
2 CJ Andrews *110001515 15.00         
8 J Arnold254213094849 20.70         
  J Bailey5902069276 30.6655.4101371001-70 2.46 137.00
  AEG Baring1100000 0.00202970000-97 4.85--
4 JP Blake61110048179 17.90         
37 GS Boyes34551011104842 18.71970.42692323107719-57 2.39 21.71
2 WL Budd81000035172 17.20121.32039811004-92 3.27 36.18
2 RCL Court691003599 12.37112.12529213004-83 2.60 22.46
24 WCL Creese325441011031421 28.42356.110093739004-14 2.63 24.02
2 JD Eggar *230002838 12.66         
9 GEM Heath2944240012101 5.05876.3184230697507-89 2.63 23.77
17 OW Herman325450030457 9.3210981893263101406-53 2.97 32.30
10 G Hill2542951122935 28.33524.4127141436004-73 2.69 39.27
1 AG Holt815001116339 22.60         
4 CJ Knott *9168001967 8.37229.34665821105-51 2.86 31.33
4412NT McCorkell33603711361586 27.82         
2 PA MacKenzie *350002466 13.2028.221053001-25 3.70 35.00
2 A MacLeod460001739 6.50         
12 RH Moore1017033128770 45.2910.10381001-21 3.73 38.00
28 CGA Paris2849450771058 23.51         
19 AE Pothecary30511521181357 27.1415.12833002-17 5.47 27.66
1 RB Proud *3610038no115 23.00         
5 JWJ Steele *122110044340 17.00352.153103039105-67 2.92 26.41
251DF Walker234016091925 23.71         
1 PHP Weaver *230003755 18.33         
  Extras/run outs      651   5308     
26413TOTALS374630754710 12795 4770.4102913611480181   
* First Class Debut

Hundreds (not including County Championship)

128RH MooreCambridge UnivSouthampton

5 Fers (none, not including County Championship)

10 Wkts Matches (none, not including County Championship)

100 Partnerships (none, not inluding County Championship)